
This category has been added to provide helpful information on Christian related material.  The purpose of reviewing study bibles, hymns, and other Christian study tools is to act as a guide so that you can make good choices on where to spend your time to grow in Christ.


Reviewing Study Bibles

How can a person judge/rate a study bible?  Well, the word of God itself is perfect, but the study notes of a study bible are not necessarily perfect.  They’ve been written by 1 person, or sometimes a team of people, who actually may or may not have been led by God to publish the study notes.  The person who wrote the study notes, their character, and beliefs definitely affect their notes.  Therefore, I’ve decided to rate these study bibles in 3 areas: Doctrine, Notes, and References.

1) Doctrine: The author’s denomination or beliefs that are taught in the notes.  Is there any agenda in the study notes?  Are the notes trying to prove or disprove something out of the ordinary?

2) Notes: The length of the notes and how relevant they are.

3) References: The amount of references and how relevant they are.


Reviewing Contemporary Worship Songs & Hymns

The worship songs that we sing in church have as much doctrine attached to them as notes of a study bible.  Again, some songs are written by those who are skilled with singing and playing instruments, but not skilled in the knowledge of the bible or will of God.  One example is, “He’s God The Whole World In His Hands”.  Does God have the whole world in His hands?  Where does it say that in the bible?  Is there any truth behind it?  Does it mean that God is constantly controlling everything, including your fate of being in Heaven or Hell?  Another example is a song called, “Even If The Healing Doesn’t Come” by Kutless.  This is an anti-faith based message!  How?  Because a person cannot pray, “God heal me” and then the opposite, “well, if you don’t heal me…”  James 1:6-7 says that a double minded man shouldn’t think he’ll receive anything from God.  The prayer of faith will save the sick (James 5:15) not the prayer of “I don’t know, but maybe it’s worth a shot”.  Furthermore, this specific song justifies the singer above God and makes Him a liar, saying, “I’ll be faithful and wait for You even if You aren’t faithful to do what You promised in Your word that You would do.”  Other songs are meant to be sung by holy people, some are songs of repentance that are not meant for holy people but for the unholy.  Other things to consider are:

1) Who is the song meant to be sung by?

2) Who is the song meant to be sung to?

3) What are the reference verses?


Apps, Software, & Websites

There’s a lot of good software out there, and a good bit of it is free.  This page is to help show the features and functions of these products as well as prices, etc.

Kent Owen

Author: Kent Owen

After college I lived in China for 5 years, working as an English teacher and foreign marketing manager. Now i'm an insurance salesman, but my real passion is Christ and learning the bible.

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