owen's study bible notes

Owen’s Annotated Reference Commentary Study Bible

Thanks for checking out my annotated reference commentary study Bible.  What a mouth full!  It’s a work in progress, starting with the gospels.  An audio version of MP3s is soon to come after the notes on Matthew are finished.  I hope that this helps someone out there.


I’ve learned a lot by using the many study bibles that I own.  As I compared them together, saw room for improvement, and this is the result.  All study bibles were designed to be read straight through, but most people jump around from one verse to another wherever they have questions, and ignoring the places they THINK they understand.  I say that because there were many things I thought I understood until I challenged them with study bible references.  It became a pet peeve of mine to use study bibles that had no note for the verse I had questions on.  My study notes have notes on every verse.


As I compared study bibles, I noticed that they didn’t always agree with each other.  Their guidance of the notes always depended on the author’s beliefs.  That will always be the case.  When a team of people work on bible notes, the guidance of the notes will be mixed from book to book.  But I prefer notes written by an individual as opposed to notes written by a team because I can get a feel for that one man’s way of thinking.  I don’t think anyone has perfect doctrine but God.  No one will agree with my notes 100%.  I know that I’ll even look at some of my notes years later and want to tweak them.  As with everything, “eat the meat and spit out the bones”.  Don’t get stuck on the places you disagree with, but challenge every note no matter if you agree or disagree with the note.  That will give you the most benefit.  If you find any errors, have ideas, or can think of any room for improvement, please contact me (Kent) at biblebronetwork@gmail.com


Special thanks to Frank Boockholdt and Dr. Michael White (Pastor Mike).  You pointed me in the right direction.  You taught me how to think hard, how to challenge, and how to learn the Bible.

Kent Owen

Author: Kent Owen

After college I lived in China for 5 years, working as an English teacher and foreign marketing manager. Now i'm an insurance salesman, but my real passion is Christ and learning the bible.

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